perjantai 14. maaliskuuta 2014


Welcome to my new blog!

I have been thinking about creating a new blog for ages and now I finally got something done!
This time I'll promise to keep myself active with this one since finally I think I've been able to set myself into writing mode.

As for you who don't know me, let's come out with some of the basic facts about me:

- Name is Ria
- I was born in 1989, year of snake. 
- I'm from Finland and  I love living in the land of lakes.
- My hobbies are gaming, photography and food.
- I'm a member of huge gaming clan called The Art of Warfare
- I am normally very hyper/calm, depends of the day.
- Usually I'm very thoughtful, I don't do anything without over-thinking.
- Sometimes I get hurt very easily because I don't understand things the right way (sarcasm for example).

Ria as a gamer...

I have been playing videogames from since i was very young. I remember running home from school just to get to play some of the old console games my family used to have. I grew up with games.

Nowadays It's hard to get me exited about a game since I its hard to find really good games in the genre i an looking for. I look for a good story line and multi-functionality. Also I like games that have so called "full package"; good music, graphics and well written characters.
Also if the game just happens to be ridiculously funny, I forgive a lot.
 I have a passion for indie/minigames, just something where you can take it easy.

Recently played games:

- Hawken
- Skyrim
- League of Legends
- Minecraft

As a member of TAW, my gaming time mostly taken by Hawken.
I have adored robots from the early days and this game has the so called "full package".
The gameplay is very nice, community is one of the best I've ever seen, you can choose from many different options to customize the game suitable for just you. (Mech choices, items, internals... )

What's up?

Recently I have been very actively pushing myself into bunch of web-services and I just want to get myself as active with many of the social medias where I used to be as an teenager.
I have been recording some gameplay from Hawken in my also as I've been busy writing on the Hawken forums.
At the end of this month I will take part into small gaming event, in the small town of Loimaa. Even though this "convention" is small, i've been happily taken part of it two years on row and this will be my third. Also at the same weekend, my clan has planned an amateur tournament for Hawken players and I'm hoping that our EU division will be able to come up with a team where I could take part into. Keep your fingers crossed for me!

Anyhow guys! This is my first post for now since the lack of sleep I must try to hit the deck now.

Stay tuned!

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